
Weather at Sea
Night: Forecast for Baltic Sea valid 24 hours from 19:00 UTC May 1 to 19:00 UTC May 2, 2024. No warnings. Weather summary: High over Finland, its southern part extends over Baltic Sea. From southwest Edge of Low. Northern Baltic: northeast, east 5-10, in gusts up to 14 m/s. Dry. Visibility good. Gulf of Finland: variable 2-7 m/s. Dry. Visibility good. Moonsund, Northern Gulf of Riga: northeast, east 3-9, in Gulf of Riga in gusts up to 13 m/s. Dry. Visibility good. Day:

Weather at lake Peipsi
Night: Mainly northeast, east wind 2-7 m/s. Wave height 0.2-0.7 m. Dry. After midnight possible fog locally, othervise visibility good. Air temperature 2..5°C. Day: Mainly easterly wind 3-7, in afternoon in gusts 10 m/s. Wave height 0.3-0.7 m, in afternoon up to 0.9 m. Dry. Visibility good. Air temperature 11..13°C.

Source: Estonian weather service

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